The InnoAquaTech Decision Support Tool provides an overview of how recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) facilities work and which aspects are to be considered when constructing an aquaculture system. Specifically, this tool lets the user set up a virtual aquaculture system and simulate its performance in terms of resource consumption (environmental aspects) and running costs (economical aspects). It also gives information about the resources and economic correlations under the chosen scenario.
- Type
- Tool
- Topic(s)
- Access to Space and Water, Diversification and Adding Value, Knowledge and Innovation, Producer and Market Organisations
- Targeted users
- Aquaculture producers and enterprises in the aquaculture industryAquaculture producers and market organisations, trade unionsEU citizens and the public, consumersEU institutions and agenciesNational and regional authorities responsible for the aquaculture sectorNGOs active in the aquaculture sector and civil society organisationsUniversities, research centres, researchers, students
- Developed under (EU project)
- Cross-border development and transfer of innovative and sustainable aquaculture technologies in the South Baltic area (InnoAquaTech)
- Link