Among the challenges of the aquaculture sector, the present study tries to focus on the necessary modernisation and innovation of the Hungarian sector education by strategically outlining the possibility of a niche secondary-level fisheries PILOT (experimental) training. The study considers the development of a multi-stage action plan, the first milestone of which will be a thorough situation survey of the aquaculture education community. The study applies a deductive approach to specific areas of education and training within the general trends in aquaculture, covering the main traces of PILOT training in fisheries as a niche discipline.
- Original Author(s)
- Khademi-Vidra, A.;Urbányi, B.;Bakos, I.M.
- Topic(s)
- Communicating on EU Aquaculture, Diversification and Adding Value, Knowledge and Innovation, Integration in Local Communities
- Geographical Coverage
- Country-specific
- Country-specific
- Hungary
- Date
- February, 2024
- Source