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Guidelines (82)
Fish Farmer’s Guide to Combating Parasitic Infections in Salmonid Aquaculture
In this manual, fish farmers can find background information on some of the main parasitic diseases jeopardizing farming of salmonids in European countries. Here the farmer can find valuable information on symptoms, identification of the pathogen...
Guidelines on Water Quality and Handling for the Welfare of Farmed Vertebrate Fish
These guidelines on water quality and handling target aquaculture operators and the relevant competent authorities. They include factors and parameters that are common across species. Each consists of a section with related provisions from the...
Fish Farmer’s Guide to Combating Parasitic Infections in Turbot Aquaculture
The ParaFishControl project has provided a strong basis for future success of European aquaculture by investigating and developing new diagnostic and control systems for parasitic infections. In this guide, fish farmers can find background...
Fish Farmer’s Guide to Combating Parasitic Infections in European Sea Bass and Gilthead Sea Bream Aquaculture
In this guide, some of the main parasites causing diseases in ESB and GSB are illustrated in a concise and schematic way. This will enable fish farmers to find updated information on the biological cycle and routes of transmission, disease clinical...
Fish farmer's guide to combating parasitic infections in common carp aquaculture
Common carp is the third most cultivated freshwater species in the world. Carp aquaculture is usually performed in a semi-intensive manner, in earthen ponds, where parasitic diseases can easily compromise fish health, especially in the hot summer...
Second Recommendation on the Future Strategic Guidelines for the Sustainable Development of EU Aquaculture
In 2009, the Commission published A new impetus for the Strategy for the Sustainable Development of European Aquaculture as a follow up to the EU aquaculture strategy of 2002. The Commission concluded that EU aquaculture had not grown since 2002, and...
IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions: A user-friendly framework for the verification, design and scaling up of NbS
This document aims to provide guidance and a global framework for the design, verification and scaling up of Nature-based Solutions. The Standard lists and describes globally consistent Criteria and Indicators, which are supported by the Principles...
Common Guidelines for Aquaculture Entrepreneurs in Greece, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine
This document provides guidelines for entrepreneurs in the Aquaculture sector in Greece, Romania, Turkey, and Ukraine. It considers the institutional and legal framework, aquaculture business development procedures, and the financial instruments for...
Fish farmer's guide to combating parasitic infections in European sea bass and gilthead sea bream aquaculture
European sea bass and gilthead sea bream are the main fish species farmed in the Mediterranean region. They are produced in land-based extensive and intensive grow-out systems and sea cages. Millions of fingerlings are produced and traded in the...
Mediterranean Fish Welfare: Guide to good practices and assessment indicators
The main aim of this document is to compile an operational guide for workers and those involved in mariculture, so that they can carry out tasks in line with current scientific knowledge on the welfare of farmed fish and well-established farming...