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Guidelines (82)
Commission Staff Working Document on the application of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in relation to aquaculture
The overall aim of this document is to offer practical guidance which will facilitate the implementation of the Water Framework Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the context of the development of sustainable aquaculture. More...
Guidance for Aquaculture Licences and Permits
The key tool for regulation of the aquaculture sector is through the Aquaculture Licence and the consenting process. An aquaculture licence, or proxy for such, is generally required for a person to engage in aquaculture activities, and the licence...
Guidance for Aquaculture Liaison Officer
Stakeholders believe that the most effective way to assist in aquaculture regulation and licensing is by having one contact person for the producer, with whom they can interact directly throughout the pre-application and application process. The...
Spatial planning and developing zones for aquaculture
Many of the issues associated with the aquaculture sector are a result of poor spatial planning.
The suitability of a location for aquaculture is determined by many factors including biological, environmental, social and regulatory issues...
Aquaculture site selection
Many of the issues associated with the aquaculture sector are a result of poor spatial planning. The suitability of a location for aquaculture is determined by many factors including biological, environmental, social and regulatory issues...
Review of Licensing and Regulatory Processes Tool
This tool is developed in response to a survey of the aquaculture industry across EU member states. The top issues identified in the survey relate to legislation, regulation and licensing of the industry, in particular, the aquaculture consenting...
Guidance for developing a One Stop Shop Tool
Ineffective communication has been highlighted as an area that contributes both directly and indirectly to many bottlenecks and issues found in the current aquaculture licencing process in member states. Poor communication has been identified with...
Guidance for developing Public Information Platforms Tool
Member states should actively support the development of public information platforms to provide a portal of information to assist with a broader understanding of aquaculture. These platforms should provide information which is factual, current...
Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS)
The Copernicus Marine Service (or Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service) is the marine component of the Copernicus Programme of the European Union. It provides free, regular and systematic authoritative information on the state of the Blue...
Farm Standards
ASC standards set strict requirements for responsible farming, which encourage seafood producers to minimise the key environmental and social impacts of aquaculture. The current eleven ASC standards cover 17 species groups: abalone; bivalves (clams...