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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Integrating aquaculture within local communities


This guide consists of five practical factsheets providing information, ideas and examples of how FLAGs can better integrate aquaculture into their area:

  • Factsheet 1 “Aquaculture as a driver of blue growth in CLLD areas” describes the different types of aquaculture present in FLAG areas, highlighting the wide range of challenges faced by aquaculture, and the potential contribution of the sector to local development.
  • Factsheet 2 “Addressing consumer and environmental concerns at the local level” underlines the major challenges linked to these key concerns and their impacts on the aquaculture sector and provides examples of activities FLAGs can initiate or support to address these challenges.
  • Factsheet 3 “Mitigation of user conflicts and facilitating participation in local decisions” focuses on challenges linked to user conflicts that can arise in relation to aquaculture production, providing examples of how FLAGs can help avert such conflicts and enable producers to play a greater role in decision-making processes concerning local spatial planning.
  • Factsheet 4 focuses on “Diversification of activities within the aquaculture sector”, including recirculated systems, aquaponics, integrated production, etc.
  • Factsheet 5 looks at “Diversification outside the aquaculture sector”, mainly in the field of tourism, but also in the use of by-products in innovative industries.


Original Author(s)
Corporate Author(s): European Commission
Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries - DG MARE
Personal Author(s): Budzich-Tabor, Urszula
Personal Author(s): Rigaud, Arthur
Personal Author(s): Gomes da Silva, Serge
Personal Author(s): van de Walle, Gilles
Integration in Local Communities
Geographical Coverage