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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Adapting postharvest activities in the value chain of fisheries and aquaculture to the effects of climate change and mitigating their climate footprint through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions


Climate change events are impacting EU Postharvest (PH) value chains, resulting in rising costs and unpredictable supply flows of raw materials. Despite this, direct economic costs (e.g. fuel, transport) are the top priority for producers to mitigate, with less emphasis on how future changes in climate will impact businesses.

New species may be added to the PH industry, while further development of wild caught fisheries and technological advancements may further the array of species available for the PH industry. Currently, EU PH value chains mitigate climate change effects through activities such as decreasing local production volumes, importing from third countries and diversifying to other species.

Processing activities associated with PH value chains utilise a substantial amount of fossil fuel and water resources, producing high levels of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Furthermore, high reliance on natural resources reduces the industry’s inherent resilience to climate change. Hotspots in PH GHG emissions are apparent in the development of packaging material, high-emission transport methods, long-term frozen storage and thermal treatments (i.e. cooking).

Structural improvements to optimise PH value chains include enhanced access to information after landing/auctions, while new technologies are continually being implemented in EU PH value chains.


Original Author(s)
Corporate Author(s): European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency - CINEA
Personal author(s): Quirijns, F.J.
Personal author(s): Feary, D.A.
Personal author(s): Hoekstra, G.
Personal author(s): Cardoso, C.
Personal author(s): Broeze, J.
Personal Author(s): Metz, S.
Personal author(s): De Clercq, A.
Personal author(s): Ramos, S.
Personal Author(s): Mytlewski, A.
Personal author(s): Wever, A.
Personal Author(s): Deetman, B.
Personal author(s): Hammarlund, C.
Personal author(s): Villanueva, D.
Personal author(s): Puértolas, E.
Personal author(s): Torreele, E.
Personal author(s): Triantaphyllidis, G.
Personal author(s): Polet, H.
Personal Author(s): Owen, H.
Personal author(s): Blomquist. J.
Personal author(s): Snels. J.
Personal Author(s): Rakowski, M.
Personal author(s): Mommens, M-P.
Personal author(s): Keatinge, M.
Personal author(s): Turenhout, M.
Personal author(s): Gutiérrez, M.
Personal author(s): Bandarra, N.
Personal author(s): van den Burg, S.
Personal author(s): Hornborg, S.
Personal Author(s): Waldo, S.
Personal author(s): Katsanevakis, S.
Personal author(s): Mangi, S.C.
Personal author(s): Plevoets, T.
Personal author(s): Vernooij, V.
Personal author(s): Sidemo-Holm, W.
Personal author(s): Guo, X
Climate-Change Adaptation and Mitigation, Control, Diversification and Adding Value, Environmental Performance, Knowledge and Innovation, Integration in Local Communities, Producer and Market Organisations
Geographical Coverage
March, 2023