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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Sustainably produced Marine Coral for Innovative Applications in Bio-medicine for Human Health (Coral4Health)


Coral4Health was a two-year project funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), aimed at preparing its sole beneficiary – Zoan BioMed – commercialise the next generation graft bone substitute, drawn from a sustainable, ethical and high-quality source of biomaterial: cultured coral.

Tangible results: The project developed an innovative and commercially viable medical device to the world of orthopaedics: a next generation bone graft substitute drawn from Coral grown in pristine conditions. It helped bring Zoan BioMed to industrial scale and put in place the regulatory and quality approvals needed to launch its product onto the market.

Application/relevance: The project has commercially validated the ability to culture a number of species of hard coral in controlled conditions to the standard required for biomedical applications. This results in the sustainable source of raw material to manufacture and deliver naturally porous orthobiologic scaffolds to the market, that is cost effective. 


Original Author(s)
Lead Partner: Zoan BioMed Ltd
Financing Programme(s): European Union EASME’s European Maritime and Fisheries Fund under Grant Agreement no. 863656
Animal Health and Public Health, Environmental Performance
Geographical Coverage
November, 2019 - October, 2021