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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism



Short description of the project: FORCOAST was a three-year project funded by Horizon 2020, aimed at developing and implementing innovative Copernicus-based downstream information services. FORCOAST operated in eight pilot sites across regional waters, including the North Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, and the coastal Atlantic Ocean, targeting diverse user communities in the specified sectors.

Tangible results: The results of the project included developing, testing and demonstrating, in operational mode, novel Copernicus-based downstream information services that would incorporate Copernicus Marine, Land and Climate Services Products, local monitoring data and advanced modelling in the service.

Application/relevance: The project has provided the European aquaculture industry with innovative Copernicus-based downstream information services, integrating marine land, and climate data for enhanced decision-making and sustainability practices.


Original Author(s)
Lead Partner: Deltares, Dr. Ghada El Serafy
Project Partner(s): Deltares
Project Partner(s): EuroGOOS
Project Partner(s): Instituto Superior Técnico MARETEC
Project Partner(s): Exporsado
Project Partner(s): AZTI
Project Partner(s): Marine Instruments
Project Partner(s): University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski
Project Partner(s): Terrasigna
Project Partner(s): Marine Institute
Project Partner(s): Cuan Beo
Project Partner(s): MAST-FOCUS
Project Partner(s): University of Liège
Project Partner(s): National Institute for Marine Research and Development
Project Partner(s): Jailoo
Project Partner(s): Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Project Partner(s): EV ILVO
Project Partner(s): Brevisco
Project Partner(s): Danish Meteorological Institute
Project Partner(s): Aarhus University
Project Partner(s): Oyster Boat
Project Partner(s): Instituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di GeofisicaSperimentale
Financing Programme(s): Horizon 2020
Communicating on EU Aquaculture, Data and Monitoring, Environmental Performance, Knowledge and Innovation
Geographical Coverage
November 2019 - April 2022