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Projects (122)
Improving policies to boost SME competitiveness and extraversion in EU coastal and rural areas where aquaculture is a driver of the regional economy (EXTRA-SMEs)
Short description of the project: EXTRA-SMEs is a five-year project funded by the Interreg Europe programme, aimed at achieving expansion of rural and coastal SMEs in wider markets for the promotion of their products, through simpler and improved...
Development and demonstration of an automated, modular and environmentally friendly multi-functional platform for open sea farm installations of the Blue Growth Industry (The Blue Growth Farm)
The Blue Growth Farm was a four-year project funded by EU Horizon 2020, aimed at developing and validating the design of an automated, modular, and environmentally friendly multi-functional platform for open sea farm installations of the Blue Growth...
EcoSens Aquamonitrix
Short description of the project: EcoSens Aquamonitrix was a three-year project funded by the LIFE programme, aimed at demonstrating an innovative water quality monitoring device in different environments and climates.
EXTRA-SMEs - Improving policies to boost SME competitiveness and extraversion in EU coastal and rural areas where aquaculture is a driver of the regional economy
Short description of the project: EXTRA-SMEs project was a five-year project financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme (OP) Peloponnesus 2014-2020, aimed at improving the implementation of regional development...
Intelligent Management System for Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture (IMPAQT)
IMPAQT was a three-year project funded by EU Horizon 2020, aimed at developing and validating a multi-purpose, multi-sensing and multi-functional management platform for sustainable Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) production, in order to...
Green Aquaculture Intensification in Europe (GAIN)
GAIN was a three-and-a-half-year project funded by EU Horizon 2020, aimed at supporting the ecological intensification of aquaculture in the EU in order to increase the industry’s production and competitiveness, while ensuring sustainability and...
Short description of the project: AQUABIOPROFIT was a four-year project financed by Horizon 2020, aimed at promoting efficient utilisation of European aquaculture, fisheries and agriculture side streams in feeds and nutritional supplement products...
Blue Bioeconomy Forum (BBF)
BBF was a one-year project funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), aimed at developing a common understanding of the current status of blue bioeconomy in Europe and at collectively identifying strategic developments, market...
Promoting small scale fisheries and aquaculture transnational networking in Adriatic-Ionian macroregion (ARIEL)
Short description of the project: ARIEL was a two-year project funded by the Interreg ADRION programme, aimed at speeding-up and transferring innovation in two key drivers for the Adriatic and Ionian Regions: small-scale fisheries and aquaculture...
Macaronesian Maritime Spatial Planning (MarSP)
Short description of the project: MarSP was a two-year project funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), aimed at reinforcing the Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) processes in the three EU Macaronesian Archipelagos - Azores, Madeira...