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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Centre for Aquaculture Consultancy Services to assist fish farmers on legal and technical matters


The launch of a Centre for advice and consultancy for aquaculturists was based on the need to create a formal mechanism that would allow the transfer of technology to fish farmers and to assist them in ensuring that their projects conformed to all the relevant legislation both national and european.
In addition, Nucet carries out all the necessary physical, chemical and biological analyses for environment impact assessments including for the water going into and coming from a fish farm.
The Centre advises fish farmers on legal and technical matters, assisting the investors in fish farming in getting all the permits, environmental authorisations and creating the necessary documentation.
It provides services in four areas: environment, welfare, health and marketing and promotion. For investors what is perhaps interesting is that European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) offers support to the farmers if they use this kind of service.
By facilitating the approval procedures for fish farms, testing various production parameters and conducting applied research for farmers, the Centre will undoubtedly make an important contribution to the development of the Romanian aquaculture sector.
The main beneficiaries of this good practice are the fish farmers, producers and SMEs in the aquaculture sector.


Original Author(s)
Corporate Author(s): EXTRA-SMEs consortium partners
Personal Author(s): Osman, Berghin
Good Practice Owner: The Fish Culture Research and Development Station Nucet
Regulatory and Administrative Framework, Environmental Performance, Animal Health and Public Health, Animal Welfare, Communicating on EU Aquaculture
Geographical Coverage