CERES was a four-year project funded by H2020 aiming at investigating how climate change affects different European fish/shellfish species and how European fishermen and fish farmers can adapt to climate change.
Tangible results: The project developed a set of online tools providing stakeholders with invaluable data and suggestions for mitigation measures on climate change such as the type of fish and shellfish that will be profitable to farms, or which fish to breed, or sea plant to grow best in certain environmental conditions.
Application/relevance: The project submitted a number of different reports including Industry- and policy-driven conceptual frameworks of climate change impacts based on stakeholder engagement, a MET database with data on the cultivation thresholds of aquatic animals and plants on the Maritime and Environmental Thresholds for Aquaculture database to be used by stakeholders. Also, CERES developed 4 potential socio-political scenarios that might occur in the future and discussed them with stakeholders, which is fostering knowledge and experience exchange.
- Original Author(s)
- Lead Partner: Universitaet HamburgProject Partner(s): The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsProject Partner(s): Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare AssociazioneProject Partner(s): Danmarks Tekniske UniversitetProject Partner(s): Hellenic Centre for Marine ResearchProject Partner(s): Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientÃficasProject Partner(s): Institut Français de Recherche Pour l'Exploitation de la MerProject Partner(s): Longline Environment LtdProject Partner(s): National University of Ireland GalwayProject Partner(s): Plymouth Marine Laboratory LimitedProject Partner(s): Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska InstitutProject Partner(s): University of HullProject Partner(s): Zachodniopomorski Uniwesytet Technologiczny w SzczecinieProject Partner(s): Instituto Portugues do Mar e da Atmosfera IPProject Partner(s): Stichting Wageningen ResearchProject Partner(s): HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTETProject Partner(s): Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare delta DunariiFinancing Programme(s): H2020-EU.3.2. - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research, and the bioeconomyProject Partner(s): Johann Heinrich von Thuenen-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut fuer Laendliche Raeume, Wald und FischereiProject Partner(s): MERSIN UNIVERSITESIProject Partner(s): PELAGIC FREEZER TRAWLER ASSOCIATIONProject Partner(s): KILIC DENIZ URUNLERI URETIMI IHRACAT ITHALAT VE TICARET ASProject Partner(s): COOPERATIVE KOTTERVISSERIJ NEDERLAND UAProject Partner(s): INSKIE CENTRUM RYBACTWA SPOLKA ZOOProject Partner(s): Sagremarisco-Viveiros de Marisco LdaProject Partner(s): PHARMAQ ANALYTIQ LIMITED
- Topic(s)
- Climate-Change Adaptation and Mitigation
- Geographical Coverage
- European
- Date
- March, 2016 - February, 2020
- Source