This section includes the communication material produced by the EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism, such as infographics, videos and a digital brochure available in English, French, Italian and Spanish.
Brochure - Blue farming in the European Green Deal

Brochure - The EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

AAM at a glance:
A service for sharing knowledge, opportunities, and experiences related to EU aquaculture.
Infographic - EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

One-stop shop for supporting the growth and development of sustainable aquaculture in the EU
Infographic - EU Aquaculture Sector

EU Aquaculture Sector statistics for the period of 2008-2020 [Global Standing / Economic Performance / Production Statistics].
Infographic - Organic Aquaculture

Organic aquaculture is a system of farming and food production that is based on the organic objectives and principles set out in Regulation (EU) 2018/848.
Infographic - EU Algae Sector

The infographic summarizes the 23 policy actions that are being implemented by the Commission in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, to unlock the algae potential in the EU.
Infographic - Shellfish aquaculture

Shellfish aquaculture is the cultivation and harvest of aquatic invertebrates, including molluscs such as mussels, oysters and clams, echinoderms, such as sea urchins and sea cucumbers, and crustaceans like shrimps.
Infographic - EMODNet

EMODnet’s high-quality baseline marine data supports the aquaculture sector in terms of farm management, well-being of marine life and sustainable exploitation of living resources, advancing the sector’s efforts to build resilience, sustainability and competitiveness, while supporting green transition and stimulating innovation.
Infographic - Marine & freshwater finfish

Finfish aquaculture is the farming of freshwater and marine fish species in controlled aquatic enclosures such as ponds, lakes, reservoirs, or net pens in the sea. These can be completely closed systems such as recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), semi-closed systems such as flow-through/raceway systems and artificial ponds, open systems such as submerged nets/cages and extensive farming in natural ponds or wetlands.
Video - The EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

The EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism supports the EU Member States, the EU aquaculture industry, and other relevant stakeholders in implementing the "Strategic guidelines for a more sustainable and competitive EU aquaculture".
Video - Open Method of Coordination (OMC) in EU Aquaculture Policy

Find out how the European Commission supports EU countries at all levels to develop their aquaculture sector and increase sustainability and competitiveness through the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) and its tools.