Regulatory and administrative framework for aquaculture
This Commission Staff Working Document consolidates existing good practices on the regulatory framework and administrative procedures related to aquaculture and illustrates them with concrete examples from Member States and non-EU countries.

Planning of space and access to water for marine aquaculture
This Commission Staff Working Document provides to authorities and policymakers in Member States guidance for the allocation of marine space to aquaculture activities.

Access to space and water for freshwater and land-based aquaculture
This Commission Staff Working Document identifies good practices and provides Member States’ authorities and policymakers with potential solutions to the challenges they face in freshwater and land-based aquaculture planning.

Energy transition in the EU
This Commission Staff Working Document covers energy efficiency and the use of renewable sources of energy to reduce the carbon footprint in primary aquaculture production.

Climate change adaptation
This document gathers possible adaptation measures and good practices that can be applied at both administrative and farm levels to make the European aquaculture sector more resilient to climate-related changes.

Good husbandry practices
This document provides a non-exhaustive list of general and species-specific good husbandry practices (GHPs) on key topics related to welfare and health in the different production techniques of some European aquaculture species.