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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Sustainable Resilient Coasts (COAST)


Short description of the project: COAST is a two-and-a-half-years project funded by the Northern Periphery and Arctic programme (NPA), aimed at dealing with shared challenges faced by coastal communities of the NPA region related to climate change, loss of biodiversity and cultural heritage, and the sustainable exploitation of natural resources.

Tangible results: The project developed a Sustainable Resilient Coasts Toolbox that includes guidance on stakeholder mapping, scenario building, and practical uses of innovative technologies, including drones, for sustainable development.

Application/relevance: The Toolbox is designed to assist local authorities in the region to plan for and manage SMART blue growth, and help them build capacity towards sustainable coastal development.


Original Author(s)
Lead Partner: Agricultural University of Iceland
Project Partner(s): Oulu University of Applied Science
Project Partner(s): MaREI
Project Partner(s): SFI Research Centre for Energy
Project Partner(s): Climate and Marine at University College Cork
Project Partner(s): Mayo Council
Project Partner(s): Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust
Financing Programme(s): Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020
Access to Space and Water, Climate-Change Adaptation and Mitigation, Environmental Performance, Knowledge and Innovation, Integration in Local Communities, Regulatory and Administrative Framework
Geographical Coverage
February, 2020 - February, 2022