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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Ribogojske skupnosti

Showing results 1 to 10
    • 2025

    CBE-JU Working group on primary producers

    The focus of the CBE-JU working group is to address the challenges that primary producers face in rolling out circular bio-based solutions and innovations while ensuring that they benefit from being part of new and innovative circular and bio-based...

    • 2021

    AquaWest - WestMed Assistance Mechanism

    AquaWest is a technical group dedicated to promoting and accelerating sustainable aquaculture practices across the western Mediterranean region. In particular, it focuses on fostering cooperation among different countries to develop initiative...

    • May, 2005

    European Aquaculture Society - Student Group (EAS-SG)

    The European Aquaculture Society - Student Group (EAS-SG) is a network dedicated to fostering student engagement to the aquaculture sector and related disciplines as well as promoting the sector across Europe. It aims to increase participation by...

  • EU4ALGAE Working Groups

    The EU4Algae platform provides the opportunity to network and discuss with fellow algae peers through seven specific working groups, each focusing on specific aspects of the algae sector: Macroalgae Production (WG1); Microalgae Production (WG2)...

  • European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

    EMODnet connects a network of over 120 organisations supported by the EU’s Integrated Maritime Policy who work together to aggregate Ocean observations, process the data according to international standards and make that information freely available...

  • BLUEfasma e-network

    BLUEfasma e-network was established to facilitate experience exchange and networking among all actors of the fishing and aquaculture sector. It contributes to the BLUEfasma's objective of empowering the innovation capacity of SMEs, maritime clusters...

  • SUBMARINER Network Working Groups

    The SUBMARINER Network coordinates the EU Mission “Restore our Oceans and Waters” in the Baltic & North Sea Region, fostering the transition towards a  sustainable, carbon-neutral, and circular blue economy. To this end, the SUBMARINER Network brings...

  • Global Sustainable Aquaculture Advancement Partnership (GSAAP)

    The GSAAP is a voluntary partnership mechanism of aquaculture stakeholders established to enhance scientific understanding of the matter, promote continuous innovation of sustainable technologies and fully harness the potential of aquaculture for...

Inovativna orodja in rešitve

Showing results 1 to 10
    • 2022

    BLUEfasma Circularity Self-Assessment Tool

    This BLUEfasma Circularity Self-Assessment Tool acts as a decision support tool used as a unified Mediterranean measure of the SMEs readiness and willingness to invest in circular economy (including fisheries and aquaculture sector). The tool...

  • InnoAqua Tech Decision Support Tool

    The InnoAquaTech Decision Support Tool provides an overview of how recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) facilities work and which aspects are to be considered when constructing an aquaculture system. Specifically, this tool lets the user set up a...

  • ELOXIRAS Apria Systems

    ELOXIRAS Apria System is an innovative system for the treatment, disinfection and reuse of marine and brackish water. It is developed to enhance the productivity and to reduce the environmental impact of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). Based...

  • PrimeFish Decision Support System (DSS)

    PrimeFish DSS is a webtool that offers an innovative market-orientated prediction toolbox to strengthen the economic sustainability and competitiveness of European seafood on local and global markets. The PrimeDSS prototype achieved a TRL about 4/5.

  • MedAID SmartWater Benchmarking

    MedAID SmartWater Benchmarking is a software that helps users to self-evaluate industry performance at company level, understand differences between facilities, use benchmarking tailored approach to the facility, and apply some potential improvements...


    FISH-FIT is a seafood authentication tool for traceability and labelling that supports EU control laboratories and institutions in seafood authenticity testing with advice, standard methodologies and reference materials thus contributing to uncover...


    FEEDEST is a computational tool developed to estimate feeding rates for gilthead seabream and European seabass. FEEDEST is part of PerformFISH’s work to ensure sustainable growth of the Mediterranean aquaculture industry through supporting fish farms...

  • IH - Maritime Spatial Planning Platform

    The IH Maritime Spatial Planning Platform illustrates current aquaculture and marine energy activities, as well as potential locations for future development. The platform provides oceanic and meteorological data over the last 25 years, including...

  • SIMNORAT Data Portal

    SIMNORAT Data Portal consists of a demonstrator developed  with the aim to disseminate data and information concerning the marines waters of France, Portugal and Spain in the Northern Atlantic in connection with the planning of maritime areas in a...

Energetski prehod v EU

Ta delovni dokument služb Komisije zajema energijsko učinkovitost in uporabo obnovljivih virov energije za zmanjšanje ogljičnega odtisa v primarni proizvodnji akvakulture. Poleg držav članic EU je razvoj tega dokumenta temeljil tudi na praksah in orodjih Združenega kraljestva in Norveške zaradi njune bližine EU ter pomena njune proizvodnje, raziskav in inovacij v akvakulturi.

Delavnice Evropske komisije junija 2024 – področje za udeležence

Na tej strani boste našli vse ustrezne informacije o dogodku in dva dokumenta, ki sta koristna za delavnice. Spodaj boste našli:

  • Končni dnevni red
  • Pravila o povračilu
  • Praktične informacije
  • Dokument za razpravo in diapozitivi: delavnica o energetskem prehodu
  • Dokument za razpravo in diapozitivi: delavnica o okoljskih kazalnikih

Na koncu boste našli povezave za dostop do pretakanja dogodka s kodo Slido, če želite zastaviti vprašanja.

Dostop sladke vode in akvakulture na kopnem do vesolja in vode

Ta delovni dokument služb Komisije opredeljuje dobre prakse ter organom držav članic in oblikovalcem politik zagotavlja morebitne rešitve za izzive, s katerimi se soočajo pri načrtovanju sladkovodnega in kopenskega ribogojstva. Dokument obravnava več tem, med njimi pa obravnava kakovost in razpoložljivost vode, ohranjanje habitatov, potrebo po ozaveščanju, usposabljanju ter zaprtih in polzaprtih sistemih.

Prilagajanje podnebnim spremembam

V tem dokumentu so zbrani možni prilagoditveni ukrepi in dobre prakse, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti tako na upravni ravni kot na ravni kmetij, da bi evropski sektor akvakulture postal odpornejši na spremembe, povezane s podnebjem. Njegov glavni cilj je podpirati organe in oblikovalce politik v državah članicah in sektorju akvakulture pri oblikovanju in posodabljanju SKP za akvakulturo. V ta namen predstavlja (negativne in pozitivne) učinke, ki jih lahko imajo podnebne spremembe na akvakulturo EU.

Regulativni in upravni okvir za akvakulturo

Ta delovni dokument služb Komisije združuje obstoječe dobre prakse v zvezi z regulativnim okvirom in upravnimi postopki v zvezi z akvakulturo ter jih ponazarja s konkretnimi primeri iz držav članic in tretjih držav. Namen tega delovnega dokumenta služb Komisije je zagotoviti neposredno povezavo med problemom in rešitvijo ter v največji možni meri zagotoviti prilagojen pristop k reševanju specifične težave, povezane z regulativnim okvirom in upravnimi postopki v akvakulturi.


Ta oddelek vključuje komunikacijsko gradivo, pripravljeno v okviru mehanizma pomoči EU za akvakulturo, kot so infografike, videoposnetki in digitalna brošura, ki je na voljo v angleščini, francoščini, italijanščini in španščini.

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