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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Fishermen and municipality join forces to set up a local fish and aquaculture products market


Located on the banks of the Danube, in the south of Olt County, the city of Corabia has more than 170 small scale fishermen. While the city’s fisheries sector has traditionally been reasonably profitable, most of fishermen were unable to sell their catch locally due to a lack of a physical fish market. Confronted with the challenges of long marketing chains and difficulties accessing other markets in the region, fishermen have seen their livelihoods decline in recent years.
The Olt Fisheries Association asked the local municipality to support them in planning a local fish market to sell their catch. Construction of a building for the market with facilities meeting European standards soon followed, allowing fishermen to sell their catch directly. More than 1.200 kg of fish per day is now being sold here including species such as: wels catfish, northern pike and zander. The local market also serves as a handling area and auction, including for the neighbouring villages.
The main beneficiaries of this project were: the fishermen, the producers in fisheries and aquaculture sectors and the local community.


Original Author(s)
Corporate Author(s): EXTRA-SMEs consortium partners
Personal Author(s): Smadu, Matei
Good Practices Owner: Olt Fisheries Local Action Group
Integration in Local Communities
Geographical Coverage