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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Good Practice Guide on successful aquaculture business strategies and interventions


This Good Practice Guide (GPG) presents 15 good practices and cases on business strategies and interventions, which have positively contributed to raising the economic potential and supporting innovation and extraversion of the aquaculture sector across Europe, and hence can be used as reference models in similar endeavours. 
The Guide aspires to assist project partners and organisations working on economic potential deriving from aquaculture development in order to increase their efficiency by adopting tools (or components of them) which have proved to work well in similar contexts, capitalising on existing knowledge. Any interested bodies will be able to study how these (successful) practices and tools function and eventually take on those that suit better to the needs and features of their territories – in all cases localisation and adaptation to individual needs is required.
The Guide is structured as follows. Section 1 describes the main categories of strategies and approaches to foster aquaculture development and extraversion in aquaculture SMEs, essentially raising the perceived economic potential of the sector as a whole in partners’ regions and across the EU. Section 2 sketches the methodological framework upon the collection of practices by partners was realised. Section 3 outlines the approach employed for the identification of good practices, including a score table with evaluation results. Section 4 presents in details the most successful cases (as collected by project partners), showcasing the results and accomplishments achieved. Concluding remarks are finally provided summarising the most important elements of the best practices.


Original Author(s)
EXTRA-SMEs consortium partners led by ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑ ΠΕΛΟΠΟΝΝΗΣΟΥ; Distretto Ligure delle Tecnologie Marine - DLTM
Knowledge and Innovation
Geographical Coverage