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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Baltic Blue Growth – Initiation of Full Scale Mussel Farming In The Baltic Sea


Short description of the project: Baltic Blue Growth was a three-year project financed by the European Regional Development Fund, aimed at removing nutrients from the Baltic Sea by farming and harvesting blue mussels.

Tangible results:  The project proved that mussels can be successfully farmed on business scale in most of the Baltic Sea, if farming methods are adapted to the local conditions (e.g. water salinity, harmful substances in the water or the sediment, other uses of the sea). The studies along the entire production line also proved that mussels from the Baltic Proper could be used as a protein source in feeds for poultry and also mussel farms demonstrated positive effects on the environment by filtering the water and trapping excess nutrients. It addition, new knowledge was created about mussel farming the Baltic Sea and it let mussel farmers share their experiences.

Application/relevance: the Interreg project Baltic Blue Growth paved the way for the farming of blue mussels to become common business practice in the Baltic Sea.


Original Author(s)
Lead Partner: Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein
Lead Partner: Interreg Baltic Sea Region Unit
Project Partner(s): Region Östergötland
Project Partner(s): County Administrative Board of Kalmar County, CAB Kalmar
Project Partner(s): East regional Aquaculture Center, ERAC
Project Partner(s): Kalmar municipality
Project Partner(s): Kurzeme Planning Region
Project Partner(s): Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology
Project Partner(s): Maritime Institute in Gdańsk
Project Partner(s): Ministry of Energy Transition, Agriculture, Environment, Nature and Digitalization
Project Partner(s): Schleswig-Holstein
Project Partner(s): Municipality of Borgholm
Project Partner(s): SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEIG
Project Partner(s): Swedish University Of Agricultural Sciences
Project Partner(s): The County Administrative Board of Östergötland
Project Partner(s): University of Tartu
Project Partner(s): Coastal Research and Management GbR
Financing Programme(s): INTERREG Baltic Sea Region 2014-2020
Access to Space and Water, Climate-Change Adaptation and Mitigation, Communicating on EU Aquaculture, Control, Diversification and Adding Value, Environmental Performance, Knowledge and Innovation, Producer and Market Organisations
Geographical Coverage
May, 2016 - April, 2019