The Blue Growth Farm was a four-year project funded by EU Horizon 2020, aimed at developing and validating the design of an automated, modular, and environmentally friendly multi-functional platform for open sea farm installations of the Blue Growth Industry.
Tangible results: The project has built an efficient, cost-competitive, and environmentally friendly multi-purpose offshore farm based on a modular floating structure moored to the seabed, where aquaculture and renewable energy production systems are integrated and engineered for profitable applications in the open sea.
Application/relevance: The platform has been designed to cater for open sea farm installations of the Blue Growth Industry and its purpose, which is directly linked to minimising energy consumption levels, is to adapt large storage and deck areas to host commercial 10 MW wind turbines and several wave energy converters.
- Original Author(s)
- Lead Partner: RINA Consulting SPAProject Partner(s): FincositProject Partner(s): SAFIERProject Partner(s): University of StrathclydeProject Partner(s): Natural Ocean Engineering LaboratoryProject Partner(s): SAGRO AQUACULTUREProject Partner(s): Ditrel Industrial S.L.Project Partner(s): SAMSProject Partner(s): LTDProject Partner(s): Ecole Centrale de Nantes - ECNProject Partner(s): TECNALIAProject Partner(s): Università degli studi mediterranea di Reggio CalabriaProject Partner(s): SAGRO AQUACULTURE LIMITEDProject Partner(s): CHLAMYS S.R.LProject Partner(s): WAVENERGY.IT SRLProject Partner(s): Politecnico di MilanoFinancing Programme(s): H2020-EU.3.2. - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research, and the bioeconomyFinancing Programme(s): H2020-EU.3.2.5. - Cross-cutting marine and maritime research
- Topic(s)
- Access to Space and Water, Animal Welfare, Climate-Change Adaptation and Mitigation, Environmental Performance
- Geographical Coverage
- European
- Date
- June, 2018 - March, 2022
- Source