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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Climate change and the Common Fisheries Policy: adaptation and building resilience to the effects of climate change on fisheries and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases from fishing


This study evaluates opportunities for reducing the carbon footprint of the marine wild capture sector managed under the current Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), while maintaining the viability, sustainability and resilience of this sector in face of climate change as a stress factor acting on the European Union (EU) fishing system. 


Original Author(s)
Corporate Author(s): European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency - CINEA
Personal author(s): Bastardie, B.; Feary, D.A.; Kell, L.; Brunel, T.; Metz, S.; Döring, R.; Eigaard, O.R.; C. Basurko, O.
Climate-Change Adaptation and Mitigation, Environmental Performance, Knowledge and Innovation
Geographical Coverage
October, 2022