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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

The Fish Market 2022 Edition


“The EU fish market” aims at providing an economic description of the whole European fisheries and aquaculture industry, based on the data available as of August 2022. It replies to questions such as what is produced/exported/imported, when and where, what is consumed, by whom and what are the main trends. A comparative analysis allows for assessing the performance of fishery and aquaculture products in the EU market compared with other food products. In this report, value and price variations for periods longer than five years are analysed by deflating values using the GDP deflator (base=2015); for shorter periods, nominal value and price variations are analysed.


Original Author(s)
European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products - EUMOFA
Control, Data and Monitoring
Geographical Coverage
November, 2022