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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Portfolio Analysis - EU Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030”


This report presents the results of the analysis of a portfolio of 841 EU projects - completed or ongoing - relevant to the EU Mission “Restore our Oceans and Waters by 2030”. These projects have been funded by 16 EU programmes in a period of 9 years between January 2014 and December 2022. The analysis has been performed by 12 independent experts. The findings of the analysis include: (1) An structured overview of the project’ portfolio in terms of their contribution to the objectives of the Mission, Green Deal targets, geographical areas, etc; (2) An overview of tangible results delivered by the projects’ portfolio; and (3) Policy recommendations, including gaps and approaches to scale-up and roll-out solutions that would require further support at European level, as well as synergies.


Original Author(s)
Corporate author(s): Directorate-General for Research and Innovation - European Commission
Personal author(s): Chimini, G.;
Personal author(s): Failler, P.;
Personal author(s): Galgani, L.;
Personal author(s): Lehne, M.;
Personal author(s): Leoni, S.;
Personal author(s): Mariani, P.;
Personal author(s): Matczak, M.;
Personal author(s): Moutou, K.;
Personal author(s): Rocha Santos, T.;
Personal author(s): Sousa Pinto, I.;
Personal author(s): Thum, O.;
Personal author(s): Vallette, P.
Access to Space and Water, Environmental Performance, Knowledge and Innovation
Geographical Coverage
May, 2023