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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Applying risk-based approaches to implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the North-East Atlantic: Learning lessons and moving forward


Risk-based Approaches (RBA) are increasingly playing an explicit and important role in a number of environmental regulations across Europe and globally. In this paper, the authors summarise a generic RBA developed for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and its application to two descriptors of Good Environmental Status (GES) for marine waters, Non-Indigenous Species and Underwater Energy and Noise (Descriptors 2 and 11). 


Original Author(s)
Verling, E.;
Bartilotti, C.;
Hollatz, C.;
Tuaty-Guerra, M.;
Lobo-Arteaga, J.;
O’Higgins, T.
Data and Monitoring, Environmental Performance, Regulatory and Administrative Framework
Geographical Coverage
May, 2023