This paper aims to provide an overview of the capabilities of unmanned systems to monitor and manage aquaculture farms that support precision aquaculture using the Internet of Things. The locations of aquaculture farms are diverse, which is a big challenge on accessibility. For offshore fish cages, there is a difficulty and risk in the continuous monitoring considering the presence of waves, water currents, and other underwater environmental factors. Aquaculture farm management and surveillance operations require collecting data on water quality, water pollutants, water temperature, fish behavior, and current/wave velocity, which requires tremendous labor cost, and effort. Unmanned vehicle technologies provide greater efficiency and accuracy to execute these functions. They are even capable of cage detection and illegal fishing surveillance when equipped with sensors and other technologies. Additionally, to provide a more large-scale scope, this document explores the capacity of unmanned vehicles as a communication gateway to facilitate offshore cages equipped with robust, low-cost sensors capable of underwater and in-air wireless connectivity. The capabilities of existing commercial systems, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence combined with drones are also presented to provide a precise aquaculture framework.
- Original Author(s)
- Ubina, Naomi A.Cheng, Shyi-Chyi
- Topic(s)
- Access to Space and Water, Data and Monitoring, Knowledge and Innovation
- Geographical Coverage
- International
- Date
- January 06, 2022
- Source