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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Platforma za pomorsko prostorsko načrtovanje Kanarskih otokov


Platforma za pomorsko prostorsko načrtovanje Kanarskih otokov olajšuje komunikacijo in vključevanje deležnikov v proces pomorskega prostorskega načrtovanja Kanarskih otokov. Med drugim vključuje podatke geogledateljev, nabor orodij PPN in informacijske kataloge. 


Access to Space and Water, Communicating on EU Aquaculture, Data and Monitoring, Integration in Local Communities
Targeted users
Aquaculture producers and enterprises in the aquaculture industry
Aquaculture producers and market organisations, trade unions
EU citizens and the public, consumers
EU institutions and agencies
National and regional authorities responsible for the aquaculture sector
NGOs active in the aquaculture sector and civil society organisations
Universities, research centres, researchers, students
Developed under (EU project)
PLASMAR+ in makaronezijsko pomorsko prostorsko načrtovanje (MARSP)