Kanaari saarte mereala ruumilise planeerimise platvorm hõlbustab teabevahetust ja sidusrühmade kaasamist Kanaari saarte mereala ruumilise planeerimise protsessi. Muu hulgas hõlmab see geovaatajate andmeid, mereruumi planeerimise vahendeid ja teabekatalooge.
- Type
- Platform
- Topic(s)
- Access to Space and Water, Communicating on EU Aquaculture, Data and Monitoring, Integration in Local Communities
- Targeted users
- Aquaculture producers and enterprises in the aquaculture industryAquaculture producers and market organisations, trade unionsEU citizens and the public, consumersEU institutions and agenciesNational and regional authorities responsible for the aquaculture sectorNGOs active in the aquaculture sector and civil society organisationsUniversities, research centres, researchers, students
- Developed under (EU project)
- PLASMAR+ ja Makaroneesia mereala ruumiline planeerimine (MARSP)
- Link