Zone des États membres
Aquaculture Special Event - Documents
Find below the following documents:
- The conclusion from the workshops of the AAM Special Event
- "New EMFAF projects in Aquaculture" presented by CINEA during the AAM Technical Seminar
- MarifishInc. project
- The PPT from the four workshops
EU Aquaculture - Special Event
The EU Aquaculture Special Event will be held from the 18th to the 20th of October in Brussels. This is a 3 day event combining the Technical seminar of EU Member States’ experts on aquaculture with a broader event consisting on workshops with...
Informations par pays
Dans le cadre du mécanisme d’aide à l’aquaculture de l’UE, une carte cliquable est incluse pour accéder facilement aux informations relatives à l’aquaculture sur chaque État membre de l’UE.
Matériel pédagogique
Aquaponic Kit for Schools
Produced in the framework of the EU-funded NewTechAqua project, the assembly kit for secondary schools aims to provide students with basic knowledge (hydraulics and biology) of aquaponics systems. The kit is designed to help students learn by...
Pathway to aquaculture biosecurity: managing disease risks in the value chain
This course introduces the Progressive Management Pathway for Aquaculture Biosecurity (PMP/AB) which uses a risk-based approach to improve the overall sustainability of the aquaculture sector. It outlines the concepts and steps needed to apply a risk...
MOOC on Sustainable Aquaculture for Low Trophic Species
This course, developed by the EU AquaVitae project, provides a holistic view of the most recent developments in low trophic aquaculture, focusing on selected groups of species molluscs, echinoderms, macroalgae and freshwater finfish. It explores...
Conventional and Alternative Aquafeed Ingredients
This e-learning module provides a thorough overview of both conventional and alternative aquafeed ingredients, based on research findings from the NewTechAqua project. Authored by aquaculture experts, the course covers traditional protein and lipid...
Sustainable, resilient and climate friendly Blue Growth of EU Aquaculture and Beyond
This training material was developed from the FutureEUAqua online course on “Sustainable, resilient and climate friendly Blue Growth of EU Aquaculture and Beyond", hosted by CIHEAM Bari’s eLearning platform, aiming to turn/transform results and...
Practical Application of Modern Genomics in Aquaculture Breeding Programmes
As part of its capacity building activity, PerformFISH delivered a training programme on the Practical Application of Modern Genomics in Aquaculture Breeding Programmes. The course used a multidisciplinary integrated approach that translated the...
PerformFISH Training Courses
Increasing capacity building for the Mediterranean aquaculture sector through training is one of the core activities of PerformFISH. The training carried out by RDI performers or industry in PerformFISH is improving the professional skills and...
Fisheries and aquaculture response to emergencies (FARE)
Fisheries and aquaculture responses to emergencies (FARE) are often mistargeted or may undermine the stability of the sector. This e-learning course aims to enhance the quality and accountability of preparedness and response to emergencies affecting...
Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture and Precision Aquaculture
This course is based on the work of the H2020 IMPAQT project and provides content on Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) and Precision Aquaculture. It describes the concept of IMTA, its benefits, challenges, and the practises and...
New Feeds and Feeding Technologies in Aquaculture: Feed Additives
On-line Module developed from the Lecture of the Online Advanced Course on New Feeds and Feeding Technologies in Aquaculture, held from 14 to 23 June 2021. A course jointly organized by CIHEAM Zaragoza and the EU H2020 project MedAID, with the...
Publications scientifiques
A gap analysis on modelling of sea lice infection pressure from salmonid farms: II. Identifying and ranking knowledge gaps: output of an international workshop
Sea lice are a major health hazard for farmed Atlantic salmon in Europe, and their impact is felt globally. Given the breadth of ongoing research in sea lice dispersal and population modelling, and focus on research-led adaptive management, the...
Learning to discuss safety within the European seaweed aquaculture sector
Seaweed is a promising source of biomass for the future, and there are significant efforts to increase seaweed aquaculture production in Europe. However, the lack of commonly accepted safety assessment frameworks is a significant barrier to upscaling...
Moving beyond agriculture and aquaculture to integrated sustainable food systems as part of a circular bioeconomy
The objective of this perspective paper is to present and discuss how systemic innovations can deliver a step change in the way food is produced in Europe.
Industry 4.0-based smart systems in aquaculture: A comprehensive review
The Aquaculture industry is a sector that faces difficulties in maintaining a high-quality production of food in a sustainable way due to the technological limitations of the commercial tools and the lack of integration of systems and sensors that...
Management of spatial data integrity including stakeholder feedback in Maritime Spatial Planning
The Maritime Spatial Planning process is data intensive, having to draw upon the best available data coming from many different sources. There are, therefore, multiple challenges in managing spatial data for inclusion in Marine Plans. These...
Applying risk-based approaches to implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the North-East Atlantic: Learning lessons and moving forward
Risk-based Approaches (RBA) are increasingly playing an explicit and important role in a number of environmental regulations across Europe and globally. In this paper, the authors summarise a generic RBA developed for the Marine Strategy Framework...
MortCam: An Artificial Intelligence-aided fish mortality detection and alert system for recirculating aquaculture
Mortality is an important production and fish welfare indicator in aquaculture. Unusual mortality patterns can be associated with abiotic or/and biotic stresses on fish in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). Real or near real-time mortality...
Exploring public perceptions and expectations of the salmon aquaculture industry in Norway: A social license to operate?
The aquaculture industry depends on the support of society to maintain and extend its activities. In Norway and elsewhere, such support cannot be taken for granted. The public has diverse expectations of the industry, and attitudes toward the...
Expanded utilisation of microalgae in global aquafeeds
Utilising novel ingredients in aquafeeds is necessary for the continued expansion and intensification of aquaculture production. In this review, the processing of microalgae utilised as aquafeed ingredient, the health promoting compounds in...
Perspectives on aquaculture's contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals for improved human and planetary health
This review highlights the need for better integration of aquaculture inglobal food system dialogues. Unpacking aquaculture's diverse functions and generation of values at multiple spatiotemporal scales enables better understanding of aquaculture's...
An Ocean of Opportunities: The Potential of Seaweed to Advance Food, Environmental and Gender Dimensions of the SDGs
This study explores the seaweed sector as a driver of economic growth, environmental sustainability, and women’s economic empowerment. Drawing on insights from the 4th United Nations Oceans Forum, the 2023 Trade and Environment Review, and expert...
Food 2030 Research and Innovation - Pathways for action 2.0 : R&I policy as a driver for sustainable, healthy, climate resilient and inclusive food systems
This publication provides an update on the European Commission’s Food 2030 initiative and aims to guide future research and innovation policy reflections related to Horizon Europe, the farm-to-fork strategy, the European Green Deal and beyond. It...
BAT/BEP descriptions of sustainable aquaculture in the Baltic Sea region
The document includes a comprehensive set of “Best Environmental Practice" (BEP) and "Best Available Technology" (BAT) descriptions on sustainable marine and freshwater aquaculture for the benefit of the Baltic Sea region, which takes into account...
The EU Fish Market, 2023 Edition
“The EU fish market” aims at providing an economic description of the whole European fisheries and aquaculture industry, based on data available as of September 2023. It replies to questions such as what is produced/exported/imported, when and where...
Aquaculture in Spain 2023
This new edition of the APROMAR annual report on the development and evolution of the aquaculture sector in Spain, Europe and the world contributed to the knowledge on the state of the activity and promoted its sustainable development. Although this...
Algae and Climate
The study builds on an extensive literature review, a survey, and in-depth interviews to investigate the potential of 10 microalgae and macroalgae production systems in contributing to animal feed requirements in the EU. It summarizes the current...
"Animal welfare of farmed fish”, study requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on Fisheries
This study investigates the welfare of the main fish species reared in the European Union, and highlights current knowledge on fish welfare, knowledge gaps, fish needs and husbandry methods of concern for fish welfare. The study focuses on production...
Large trout in the EU. Price structure in the Supply Chain - Focus on Spain and Italy
This document provides an analysis of large trout price structure and distribution of value in the supply chains, focusing on the cases of Spain and Italy. It includes a description of the product; an analysis of production and market trends at EU...
Portfolio Analysis - EU Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030”
This report presents the results of the analysis of a portfolio of 841 EU projects - completed or ongoing - relevant to the EU Mission “Restore our Oceans and Waters by 2030”. These projects have been funded by 16 EU programmes in a period of 9 years...
Adapting postharvest activities in the value chain of fisheries and aquaculture to the effects of climate change and mitigating their climate footprint through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
Climate change events are impacting EU Postharvest (PH) value chains, resulting in rising costs and unpredictable supply flows of raw materials. Despite this, direct economic costs (e.g. fuel, transport) are the top priority for producers to mitigate...
Bonnes pratiques et expériences
Fishermen and municipality join forces to set up a local fish and aquaculture products market
Located on the banks of the Danube, in the south of Olt County, the city of Corabia has more than 170 small scale fishermen. While the city’s fisheries sector has traditionally been reasonably profitable, most of fishermen were unable to sell their catch...
Good practices for the feed sector
This manual provides comprehensive information and practical guidelines to assist farmers, producers and all stakeholders along the feed value chain to comply with the requirements of the Codex Alimentarius Code of Practice on Good Animal Feeding...
The experience of the Aquaculture Sector through best practices and mitigation measures facing the COVID-19 crisis
The webinar on “the experience of the aquaculture sector through best practices and mitigation measures facing the COVID-19 crisis” took place on July 1 2020 and was conducted over the internet and hosted on the Zoom platform. It was organized by the...
Private Certification Protocol to guarantee fish health and safety in Greece
The Hellenic Aquaculture Producers Organization (HAPO) was established in 2016, when the first 21 Members united their resources to forge a collective, national identity for Greek aquaculture fish, in order to promote them in selected domestic and...
Protocol establishment on seafood through ASC certification in Greek aquacultures
The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is an international non-profit organization that maintains a policy on farmed seafood thus maintaining sustainable aquaculture. It offers a strict certification and marking scheme for safe and responsible...
ECOFISH - Model approach to organic fish farming
Aquaculture is the fastest growing sector in our food system and an important source of sustainable food in Europe. With demand for food growing and hundreds of hectares of formerly agricultural land being used for other purposes, enhancing both the...
Centre for Aquaculture Consultancy Services to assist fish farmers on legal and technical matters
The launch of a Centre for advice and consultancy for aquaculturists was based on the need to create a formal mechanism that would allow the transfer of technology to fish farmers and to assist them in ensuring that their projects conformed to all...
Bio packaging
The name of the best practice is Bio Packaging but behind these two simple words there is a great work in research & development and in technological innovation. Mitilicoltori spezzini is the cooperative of Ligurian mussel farmers. Their good...
Romanian caviar company demonstrates sustainable aquaculture
The first historical mentions on the territory of Romania (Histria) attest the existence of caviar as a commercial commodity over 3000 years ago. In recent decades, the sturgeon industry has faced great difficulties due to overfishing and especially...
Good Practice Guide
This Good Practice Guide was produced under the EXTRA-SMEs project which aimed at improving and adapting aquaculture business development strategies. The Guide presents 15 good practices and cases on business strategies and interventions, which have...
Législation de l’UE et instruments internationaux pertinents
Commission Staff Working Document: Blue Bioeconomy - Towards a Strong and Sustainable EU Algae Sector
This document provides supporting information to the development of the European Commission Communication “Towards a Strong and Sustainable EU Algae Sector” (known as “EU Algae Initiative”). This Staff Working Document aims to: identify valid, well...
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/925 of 14 June 2022 amending the Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882 concerning listed diseases of aquatic animals and the list of species and groups of species posing a considerable risk
The implementing regulation (EU) 2018/1882 has been amended by the implementing regulation (EU) 2022/925 concerning the list of species and groups of species posing a considerable risk for the spread of listed diseases.
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on reporting of environmental data from industrial installations and establishing an Industrial Emissions Portal
This proposal revises Regulation (EC) No 166/20061 establishing the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR), as the Europe-wide register providing public access to key environmental data from industrial facilities located in the EU...
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and Council amending Directive 2010/75/EU of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control) and Directive 1999/31/EC of 26 April 1999 on the landfill of waste
Directive (EU) 2010/75 on industrial emissions (IED) regulates the environmental impacts of Europe’s large-scale, high-pollution-risk industrial installations and livestock farms in an integrated manner, on a sector-by-sector basis. The 2020...
Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Sustainable Use and Development of Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
This Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Sustainable Use and Development of Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (GPA) was developed by FAO at the request of the members of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and...
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2037 of 22 November 2021 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2037 of 22 November 2021 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to exemptions from the obligations for the registration...
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/516 of 26 October 2021 amending Annex IV to Council Regulation (EU) No 708/2007 concerning use of alien and locally absent species in aquaculture
This delegated regulation amends Annex IV of Council Regulation (EC) No 708/2007 concerning the use of alien and locally absent species in aquaculture.
Shanghai Declaration: Aquaculture for food and sustainable development
Fish and other aquatic products from aquaculture can and will play a major role in meeting the dietary demands of all people, while also meeting the food security needs of the poorest. To realize the maximum contributions of the aquaculture sector...
Regulation (EU) 2021/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 July 2021 establishing the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/1004
This Regulation (EU) 2021/1139 establishes the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFA) for the period 2021-2027. It details the duration of the Programme and its budget, as well as the general and specific requirements for the...
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Pathway to a Healthy Planet for All EU Action Plan: "Towards Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil"
The Zero Pollution Action Plan is a key deliverable of the European Green Deal. It aims at reducing air, water and soil pollution to no longer harmful levels by 2050. It therefore sets out targets for 2030, one of them being the reduction by 50% of...
OLAMUR open call for Associated Regions HORIZON-MISS-2021-OCEAN-04-01
The OLAMUR project launches a call for Associated Regions to participate in the project aimed at supporting the selected Associated Regions with technical assistance to develop roadmaps and plans for low-impact marine aquaculture and multi-purpose...
Associated Regions for the ULTRAFARMS Project HORIZON-MISS-2021-OCEAN-04-01
To ensure the commercial viability of demonstrated solutions and advance research in Low Trophic Aquaculture, regions and countries beyond those represented by the main partners in the ULTFARMS project are invited to become Associated Regions (ARs)...
Additional Activities for the European Partnership for a climate-neutral, Sustainable and Productive Blue Economy - HORIZON-CL6-2024-GOVERNANCE-01-1
The objective of this action is to continue to provide support to the European Partnership for a climate-neutral, sustainable and productive Blue Economy (SBEP) identified in the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2021-2024 and first implemented under the...
Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) projects EMFAF-2023-PIA-MSP
The objective of this call for proposals is to facilitate the implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in the EU, including through the effective application of Directive 2014/89 establishing a framework for MSP. This call is intended to...
Minimising climate impact on aquaculture: mitigation and adaptation solutions for future climate regimes - HORIZON-CL6-2024-FARM2FORK-02-7-two-stage
Proposals are expected to enhance knowledge of the impacts of climate change on aquaculture production at environmental, social and economic levels. They should identify, forecast and assess the main effects of climate change on different aquaculture...
Selective breeding programme for organic aquaculture - HORIZON-CL6-2024-BIODIV-01-9
In line with the European Green Deal priorities and in particular with the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030 and the 2030 climate target pact, a selective breeding programme for organic aquaculture will be developed contributing to the impact...
Sustainable organic food innovation labs: reinforcing the entire value chain - HORIZON-CL6-2024-FARM2FORK-02-2-two-stage
Under the European Green Deal’s farm to fork and biodiversity strategies, the European Commission has set a target of ‘at least 25% of the EU’s agricultural land under organic farming by 2030 and a significant increase in organic aquaculture’. To...
Demonstrating how regions can operate within safe ecological and regional nitrogen and phosphorus boundaries - HORIZON-CL6-2024-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-1
Building on recent innovations in regional nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) budgeting and quantification methodologies to ensure good status for air, water and soil ecosystems, this Innovation Action should demonstrate how to apply optimised N/P...
Increasing the availability and use of non-contentious inputs in organic farming HORIZON-CL6-2024-FARM2FORK-02-1
The proposals should support the objective of the farm to fork strategy to transition to fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food systems from primary production to consumption, notably the objective to promote and increase organic farming in...
Bioeconomy project development assistance - HORIZON-CL6-2024-CircBio-01-8
In line with the European Green Deal priorities, the EU’s climate ambition for 2030 and 2050 and the bioeconomy strategy vision of an economic system that acts within environmental and social boundaries, the successful proposal will improve the...