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Projects (122)
Short description of the project: FORCOAST was a three-year project funded by Horizon 2020, aimed at developing and implementing innovative Copernicus-based downstream information services. FORCOAST operated in eight pilot sites across regional...
FISH chitinolytic biowastes FOR FISH active and sustainable packaging material (FISH4FISH)
FISH4FISH was a three-year project funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), aimed at developing an innovative and sustainable food packaging from marine biomass waste and biorefinery residues, in order to increase fish shelf-life...
Empowering innovation capacity of SMEs, maritime clusters and networks in MED islands and coastal areas to support blue circular economy growth in fishing/aquaculture (BLUEfasma)
Short description of the project: BLUEfasma was a two-and-a-half-year project funded by the Interreg Mediterranean programme, aimed at integrating and implementing Circular Economy (CE) principles in the key blue growth sectors of fishing and...
Sustainably produced Marine Coral for Innovative Applications in Bio-medicine for Human Health (Coral4Health)
Coral4Health was a two-year project funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), aimed at preparing its sole beneficiary – Zoan BioMed – commercialise the next generation graft bone substitute, drawn from a sustainable, ethical and high...
SEASTAR (SurvEillance of Aquaculture farmS with neTworks of underwAter sensoRs)
Short description of the project: SEASTAR was a two-year project funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), aimed at exploiting innovative Internet of Underwater Things Technologies and integrating them with last-generation...
New species, processes and products contributing to increased production and improved sustainability in emerging low trophic, and existing low and high trophic aquaculture value chains in the Atlantic (AquaVitae)
AquaVitae is a four-and-a-half-year project funded by EU Horizon 2020, aimed at increasing aquaculture production in and around the Atlantic Ocean by developing new low trophic species, processes, and products.
Advancing European Aquaculture by Genome Functional Annotation (AQUA-FAANG)
Short description of the project: AQUA-FANNG was a four-year project financed by Horizon 2020, aimed at generating genome-wide functional annotation maps for the six commercially most important fish species within European aquaculture and exploiting...
Demonstration project of a smart technology for monitoring the delivery of feed for a sustainable aquaculture (DEMO-BLUESMARTFEED)
DEMO-BLUESMARTFEED was a three-year project funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), aimed at validating the ‘Smart System for Feeding Control’ (SICA)in order to speed up its market uptake.
Tangible results: SICA is a smart...
FANBEST - Funding Atlantic Network for Blue Economy Technology Transfer
Short description of the project: FANBEST was a five-year project financed by the Atlantic Area INTERREG Programme, aimed at fostering the technology transfer to SMEs in blue biotechnology and exploitation of marine resources by creating a network of...
Genomic and nutritional innovations for genetically superior farmed fish to improve efficiency in European aquaculture (AquaIMPACT)
Short description of the project: AquaIMPACT was a four-year project financed by Horizon 2020, aimed at integrating the fields of fish breeding and nutrition to increase the competiveness of EU's aquaculture of Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout...