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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism


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Raporty (109)

Showing results 50 to 60

    • 2022

    The State of the World Fisheries and Aquaculture, 2022

    This report reviews the world status of fisheries and aquaculture; describes the Blue Transformation and its pillars on intensifying and expanding aquaculture, improving fisheries management and innovating fisheries and aquaculture value chains...

    • International

    • 2022

    Top 10 species groups in global aquaculture 2020

    This factsheet presents the top ten species groups in 2020 world aquaculture production and compares species diversity in different species groups. The ranking of all 67 species groups is illustrated on the back cover. More information about the top...

    • International

    • 2022

    International markets for fisheries and aquaculture products

    The publication contains a detailed quarterly update on market trends for a variety of major commodities. Combining the price information collected for the European Price Report with other market survey data collected by FAO GLOBEFISH, the report...

    • International

    • 2022

    An overview of the algae industry in Europe

    Enhanced EU production and use of algae can help ensuring sustainable food and farming systems, economic circularity and bio-based products. This potential of algae to provide viable and sustainable alternative food and feed materials and to produce...

    • European

    • November, 2021

    The EU Fish Market, 2021 Edition

    “The EU fish market” aims at providing an economic description of the whole European fisheries and aquaculture industry, based on the data available as of June 2021. It replies to questions such as what is produced/exported/imported, when and where...

    • European

    • November, 2021

    Portfolio analysis of Horizon 2020 aquaculture projects

    This report supports the implementation of the Strategic guidelines for a more sustainable and competitive EU aquaculture for the period 2021 to 2030. It also outlines the Research and innovation needed to develop zero-carbon and low-impact...

    • European

    • September, 2021

    EU consumer habits regarding fishery and aquaculture products

    This report explores EU consumer habits regarding fishery and aquaculture products. It provides key information enabling operators to be more competitive and adapt their strategies to the changing needs of consumers and thus make the most of the...

    • International

    • July, 2021

    Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on EU fisheries and aquaculture

    This study analyses the effects of COVID-19 on the EU fisheries and aquaculture sectors from March to December 2020. It gives an overview of the main effects experienced at EU level and develops eight case studies (Spain, Denmark, France, Italy...

    • European