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Νομοθεσία της ΕΕ και σχετικές διεθνείς πράξεις (74)
Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 of 20 November 2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the common fisheries policy
This Regulation (EU) 1224/2009 establishes a Community system for control, inspection and enforcement (Community control system) to ensure compliance with the rules of the common fisheries policy (CFP). It helps Member States develop and implement...
Council Regulation (EC) 1099/2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing
This Regulation (EC) 1099/2009 lays down the rules for the killing of animals bred or kept for the production of food, wool, skin or fur or for other farming purposes, as well as the killing of animals for the purpose of depopulation. For farmed fish...
Regulation (EC) 762/2008 on the submission by Member States of statistics on aquaculture
This Regulation (EC) 762/2008 lays down the rules for Member States to properly submit to the Commission statistics on all the aquaculture activities conducted in freshwater and saltwater on their territory.
Marine Strategy Framework Directive (EU) 2008/56
This Directive (EU) 2008/56 establishes a framework for Community action in the field of marine environmental policy. It aims to protect the marine ecosystem and biodiversity upon which human health and marine-related economic and social activities...
Strategy and Outline Plan for Improving Information on Status and Trends of Aquaculture
This document presents a Strategy and Outline Plan for Improving Information on Status and Trends of Aquaculture. The Strategy-STA is a voluntary instrument that applies to all States and entities. Its overall objective is to provide a framework...
Council Regulation (EC) 708/2007 concerning use of alien and locally absent species in aquaculture
This Regulation (EU) 708/2007 establishes a framework governing aquaculture practices regarding alien and locally absent species. It aims at assessing and minimising the possible impact these have on aquatic habitats, therefore contributing to the...
Water Framework Directive (EU) 2000/6
This Directive (EU) 2000/6 establishes a framework for Community action in the field of water policy for the protection of aquatic ecosystems in inland surface waters, transitional waters, coastal waters, and groundwater.
Council Directive (EU) 98/58 concerning the protection of animals kept for farming purposes
This Directive (EU) 98/58 lays down minimum standards for the protection of animals bred or kept for farming purposes. It applies to any animal, including fish, reptiles, and amphibians, bred or kept for the production of food, wool, skin or fur or...
Council Regulation (EC) 2406/96 laying down marketing standards for certain fishery products
This Regulation (EC) 2606/96 lays down common marketing standards for certain fresh and chill fishery products.
Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries
Fisheries, including aquaculture, provide a vital source of food, employment, recreation, trade and economic well-being for people throughout the world, both for present and future generations and should therefore be conducted in a responsible manner...