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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Aquaculture Smart and Open Data Analytics as a Service (AquaSmart)


AquaSmart was a two-year project funded by EU Horizon 2020, aimed at enhancing innovation capacity within the aquaculture sector, by addressing the problem of global knowledge access and data exchanges between aquaculture companies and its related stakeholders.

Tangible results: The project developed a Cloud platform that allows users to upload, analyse and benchmark their data against similar aquaculture industrialists. It also produced a training platform providing policies and materials to allow both new and existing users in the industry to be trained up in the nuances of the industry, but also in how data analysis and AquaSmart can assist in the industry.

Application/relevance: The project offers state of the art technology in multi-lingual open data for aquaculture stakeholders and provides business opportunities that enable aquaculture companies to seamlessly share common semantic interoperable data from their operations dataset and create a data supply chain for the benefit of the participating end users, independent of language.


Original Author(s)
Lead Partner: Waterford Institute of Technology
Project Partner(s): Olokliromena Pliroforiaka Sistimataae
Project Partner(s): UNINOVA-Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias-Associacao
Project Partner(s): Grammos S.A
Project Partner(s): Ardag Cooperative Agricultural Society Ltd
Project Partner(s): Niordseas SL
Project Partner(s): Q-Validus Limited;
Project Partner(s): Institut Jozef Stefan
Financing Programme(s): H2020-EU.2.1.1. - INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies - ICT
Financing Programme(s): H2020-EU. - Content technologies and information management: ICT for digital content, cultural and creative industries
Data and Monitoring, Knowledge and Innovation
Geographical Coverage
February, 2015 - February, 2017