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Tudományos dokumentumok és kiadványok (283)
A gap analysis on modelling of sea lice infection pressure from salmonid farms: II. Identifying and ranking knowledge gaps: output of an international workshop
Sea lice are a major health hazard for farmed Atlantic salmon in Europe, and their impact is felt globally. Given the breadth of ongoing research in sea lice dispersal and population modelling, and focus on research-led adaptive management, the...
Learning to discuss safety within the European seaweed aquaculture sector
Seaweed is a promising source of biomass for the future, and there are significant efforts to increase seaweed aquaculture production in Europe. However, the lack of commonly accepted safety assessment frameworks is a significant barrier to upscaling...
Moving beyond agriculture and aquaculture to integrated sustainable food systems as part of a circular bioeconomy
The objective of this perspective paper is to present and discuss how systemic innovations can deliver a step change in the way food is produced in Europe.
Industry 4.0-based smart systems in aquaculture: A comprehensive review
The Aquaculture industry is a sector that faces difficulties in maintaining a high-quality production of food in a sustainable way due to the technological limitations of the commercial tools and the lack of integration of systems and sensors that...
Management of spatial data integrity including stakeholder feedback in Maritime Spatial Planning
The Maritime Spatial Planning process is data intensive, having to draw upon the best available data coming from many different sources. There are, therefore, multiple challenges in managing spatial data for inclusion in Marine Plans. These...
Applying risk-based approaches to implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the North-East Atlantic: Learning lessons and moving forward
Risk-based Approaches (RBA) are increasingly playing an explicit and important role in a number of environmental regulations across Europe and globally. In this paper, the authors summarise a generic RBA developed for the Marine Strategy Framework...
MortCam: An Artificial Intelligence-aided fish mortality detection and alert system for recirculating aquaculture
Mortality is an important production and fish welfare indicator in aquaculture. Unusual mortality patterns can be associated with abiotic or/and biotic stresses on fish in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). Real or near real-time mortality...
Exploring public perceptions and expectations of the salmon aquaculture industry in Norway: A social license to operate?
The aquaculture industry depends on the support of society to maintain and extend its activities. In Norway and elsewhere, such support cannot be taken for granted. The public has diverse expectations of the industry, and attitudes toward the...
Expanded utilisation of microalgae in global aquafeeds
Utilising novel ingredients in aquafeeds is necessary for the continued expansion and intensification of aquaculture production. In this review, the processing of microalgae utilised as aquafeed ingredient, the health promoting compounds in...
Perspectives on aquaculture's contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals for improved human and planetary health
This review highlights the need for better integration of aquaculture inglobal food system dialogues. Unpacking aquaculture's diverse functions and generation of values at multiple spatiotemporal scales enables better understanding of aquaculture's...