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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Differential expression of immune-related biomarkers in primary cultures from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) exposed to processed Paecilomyces variotii with or without inactivated Moritella viscosa


Paecilomyces variotii (a filamentous fungus), is a promising novel protein source in fish feeds due to its high nutritional value. Also, P. variotii has Microbial-Associated Molecular Patterns (MAMPs) such as glucans and nucleic acids that could modulate the host’s immune response. This article presents the results of a study conducted to understand the potential bioactive properties of this fungus in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). In particular, it evaluates the gene expression of immune-related biomarkers (e.g., cytokines, effector molecules and receptors) on primary cultures from salmon head kidney (HKLs) and spleen leukocytes (SLs) exposed to either UV inactivated or fractions from P. variotii with or without inactivated Moritella viscosa (a skin pathogen in salmonids).


Original Author(s)
Duncan, D.;
Morales-Lange, B.;
Øverland, M.;
Baruah, K.;
Torunn, L.
Animal Health and Public Health, Data and Monitoring, Diversification and Adding Value, Control, Knowledge and Innovation
Geographical Coverage
March, 2024