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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Biobased gears as solutions for the creation of an eco-friendly offshore aquaculture sector, in a multitrophic approach, and new bio-based value chains (BIOGEARS)


BIOGEARS was a three-year project funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), aimed at providing the European Aquaculture sector with biobased ropes that are durable, marketable and fit-for-purpose for mussel and seaweed production, while having a highly reduced carbon footprint along the whole value chain.

Tangible results: The project has successfully developed and tested prototype biogears (biobased compostable ropes) which were piloted in sea trials for one year, with their performance in mussel culture monitored through technical, economic and environmental analysis.

Application/relevance: The development of more eco-friendly ropes has a positive impact on the sustainability of the aquaculture industry. It also has a positive socio-economic impact since it supports circular economy and fosters new employment, quality products and responsible production and consumption.


Original Author(s)
Lead Partner: Fundación AZTI
Project Partner(s): Intrigo Limited; Itsaskorda SL
Project Partner(s): Centre Scientifique & Technique de L'industrie Textile Belge - Centexbel
Project Partner(s): Fundacion Gaiker
Diversification and Adding Value, Environmental Performance
Geographical Coverage
November, 2019 - October, 2022