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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Materiale didattico

Questa sezione della base di conoscenze comprende materiale didattico sull'acquacoltura sostenibile dell'UE sviluppato dall'AAM, nonché tutorial o moduli di e-learning di università, associazioni, istituzioni dell'UE e altri portatori di interessi che forniscono contenuti formativi sull'acquacoltura.

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Materiale didattico (39)

Showing results 10 to 20
    • October, 2023

    Aquaponic Kit for Schools

    Produced in the framework of the EU-funded NewTechAqua project, the assembly kit for secondary schools aims to provide students with basic knowledge (hydraulics and biology) of aquaponics systems. The kit is designed to help students learn by...

    • European

    • March, 2023

    MOOC on Sustainable Aquaculture for Low Trophic Species

    This course, developed by the EU AquaVitae project, provides a holistic view of the most recent developments in low trophic aquaculture, focusing on selected groups of species molluscs, echinoderms, macroalgae and freshwater finfish. It explores...

    • European

    • 2023

    Conventional and Alternative Aquafeed Ingredients

    This e-learning module provides a thorough overview of both conventional and alternative aquafeed ingredients, based on research findings from the NewTechAqua project. Authored by aquaculture experts, the course covers traditional protein and lipid...

    • European

    • 2022

    PerformFISH Training Courses

    Increasing capacity building for the Mediterranean aquaculture sector through training is one of the core activities of PerformFISH. The training carried out by RDI performers or industry in PerformFISH is improving the professional skills and...

    • European

    • December, 2021

    Fisheries and aquaculture response to emergencies (FARE)

    Fisheries and aquaculture responses to emergencies (FARE) are often mistargeted or may undermine the stability of the sector. This e-learning course aims to enhance the quality and accountability of preparedness and response to emergencies affecting...

    • International

    • June, 2021

    Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture and Precision Aquaculture

    This course is based on the work of the H2020 IMPAQT project and provides content on Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) and Precision Aquaculture. It describes the concept of IMTA, its benefits, challenges, and the practises and...

    • European

    • June, 2021

    New Feeds and Feeding Technologies in Aquaculture: Feed Additives

    On-line Module developed from the Lecture of the Online Advanced Course on New Feeds and Feeding Technologies in Aquaculture, held from 14 to 23 June 2021. A course jointly organized by CIHEAM Zaragoza and  the EU H2020 project MedAID, with the...

    • European