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Videnskabelige publikationer (283)
When more is more: taking advantage of species diversity to move towards sustainable aquaculture
Human population growth has increased demand for food products, which is expected to double in coming decades. Until recently, this demand has been met by expanding agricultural area and intensifying agrochemical-based monoculture of a few species...
Marine Spatial Planning: the Case of Aquaculture
This study focuses on aquaculture and provides an analysis of what this sector implies in terms of environmental impacts. It explores the practical implementation of marine spatial planning and its economic and environmental effects by analysing the...
Review: Assessing fish welfare in research and aquaculture, with a focus on European directives
The number of farmed fish in the world has increased considerably. Aquaculture is a growing industry that will, in the future, provide a large portion of fishery products. Moreover, in recent years, the number of teleost fish used as animal models...
Recirculating Aquaculture Is Possible without Major Energy Trade-off: Life Cycle Assessment of Warmwater Fish Farming in Sweden
Seafood is seen as promising for more sustainable diets. The increasing production in land-based closed Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RASs) has overcome many local environmental challenges with traditional open net-pen systems such as...
A generalised marine planning framework for site selection based on ecosystem services
A new proposed framework to assess sustainability impacts of maritime spatial plans (MSP-SA) utilises the ecosystem service (ES) concept to address the often-lacking social sustainability of the plans. This study departs in the MSP-SA framework and...
Production of market-size European strain Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in land-based freshwater closed containment aquaculture systems
Interest in land-based farms using recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for market-size Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) continues to grow, and several commercial facilities are already rearing fish. Performance data for commercially available mixed...
Agriculture can help aquaculture become greener
Aquaculture, the farming of fish and seafood, is recognized as a highly efficient system for producing protein for human consumption. In contrast, many terrestrial animal protein production systems are inefficient, impacting land use and exacerbating...
Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) growth modelling and indicators for offshore aquaculture in Europe under climate change uncertainty
Aquaculture development in Europe, while critical to the European Union (EU) Blue Growth strategy, has stagnated over the past decades due largely to high competition for space in the nearshore coastal zone among potential uses and the lack of clear...
What's the clue; better planning, new technology or just more money? - The area challenge in Norwegian salmon farming
Norwegian salmon farming has grown tremendously over the last 50 years, and it now constitutes around 75% of the country's total seafood export value. The grow-out phase typically takes place in coastal waters. There are ambitions for continued...
Factors influencing production loss in salmonid farming
Using a unique dataset, this paper investigates factors influencing production loss in Norwegian salmonid farming. The factors can be grouped into fish-specific factors (e.g. species, genetics, and generation), input factors (e.g. vaccines and smolt...