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Επιστημονικές δημοσιεύσεις (283)
An Integrative, Multiparametric Approach for the Comprehensive Assessment of Microbial Quality and Pollution in Aquaculture Systems
As the aquaculture sector significantly expanded worldwide in the past decades, the concept of sustainable aquaculture has developed with the challenge of not only maximizing benefits but also minimizing the negative impacts on the environment...
Can improved nutrition for Atlantic salmon in freshwater increase fish robustness, survival and growth after seawater transfer?
The loss of fish in the seawater (SW) phase of Atlantic salmon farming is high, and a major proportion of this loss occurs in the period just after SW transfer. In the current study, we hypothesize that improvements made to the diet during the...
Projecting climate change impacts on Mediterranean finfish production: a case study in Greece
Finfish aquaculture in the Mediterranean Sea faces increasing challenges due to climate change, while potential adaptation requires a robust assessment of the arising threats and opportunities. This paper presents an approach developed to investigate...
Towards Environmental Sustainability in Marine Finfish Aquaculture
Aquaculture is one of the fastest-growing food production sectors and has great potential for food security and livelihoods. However, it generates concerning environmental consequences, including chemical and biological pollution, disease outbreaks...
Aquaculture and Restoration: Perspectives from Mediterranean Sea Experiences
In this paper, the different possibilities and innovations related to sustainable aquaculture in the Mediterranean area are discussed, while different maricultural methods, and the role of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) in supporting the...
Genetic improvement technologies to support the sustainable growth of UK aquaculture
While the UK is the fourth largest aquaculture producer in Europe by volume, it is the second largest by value with an annual first sale value of around £1 billion. Over 90% of this value is from Atlantic salmon farmed in Scotland, but other finfish...
A 20-year retrospective review of global aquaculture
The sustainability of aquaculture has been debated intensely since 2000 when a review on the net contribution of aquaculture to world fish supplies was published in Nature. This paper reviews the developments in global aquaculture from 1997 to 2017...
Fostering Spatial Efficiency in the Marine Space, in a Socially Sustainable Way: Lessons Learnt From a Soft Multi-Use Assessment in the Mediterranean
In a context of growing claim for marine space and in the pursuit of maritime “spatial efficiency,” Multi-use (MU) becomes necessary to assemble more or less compatible sea uses. In this paper, the potential of the soft MU involving small-scale...
Offshore longline mussel farms: a review of oceanographic and ecological interactions to inform future research needs, policy and management
With a growing human population and the need to protect our oceans from overfishing, there is a requirement for society to source alternative means of sustainable protein. Mussel aquaculture has rapidly expanded in many countries serving as an...
Dissecting the offshore wind and mariculture multi-use discourse: a new approach using targeted SWOT analysis
Coastal seas worldwide are under increasing anthropogenic pressures due to the rapid expansion of the maritime industry and coastal urbanisation. Multi-use (MU) of ocean space, meaning the use of the same space by multiple resource users, has emerged...