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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Background information

Type of species farmed (Source: 2023, EUMOFA; 2022, STECF) 

Carp (different species), Trout (different species), Mississippi paddlefish (Polyodon spathula), Sturgeon (different species).

Type of production method (Source: 2023, EUMOFA) 

According to Eurostat, the aquaculture activity in Romania is limited to freshwater farming. Production consists in its entirety in ponds.

Sector’s size (production and consumption) (Source: 2023, EUMOFA) 

  • Production (2021): 11.743 Tn; 35.860 thousand €  
  • Consumption of fishery and aquaculture products (2021):  8,12 Kg per capita 
  • % Variation in consumption 2021/2020: 1% 

Trends (past and future) (Source: EuroFish) 

  • Recently, extensive fish farms have become multifunctional, providing services such as ecological tourism, recreational fishing, and educational activities related to knowledge about and protection of aquatic biodiversity. There is a trend to diversify and increase the current range of aquaculture activities.

Impact of aquaculture in the country’s economy, food market and labour market (Source: MNSPA) 

  • The growth in aquaculture production can be attributed to the expanded production of common carp in polyculture, extensively or semi-intensively. 
  • The production of species new to Romanian aquaculture, such as sturgeon, is still low. 
  • Salmonicultura is the sector constantly growing. At present, the salmonicole establishments in Romania have as their main objects the following species: rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), brown trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and indigenous trout (Salmo trutta fario). 
  • Marine aquaculture has a relatively recent development in the Black Sea and particularly on the Romanian coast. 
  • From the point of view of distribution by development region, in 2019 it is noted that the largest share of production achieved is represented by the North-East development region with 29 % of the total national production, followed by the development regions of South, South-East, North-West and Centre with a share of between 9 and 21 %. The very small share of production in the South-West and Bucharest-Ilfov regions is due to most of the fishing facilities are mainly recreational farmers. 
  • The consumption of fisheries and aquaculture products is far below the EU average. Romanian’s household consumption is dominated by live/fresh fish, followed by frozen fish, and marinated and prepared products. The top four preferred species are trout, carp, mackerel, and salmon. 

Challenges and opportunities (Source: EuroFish & MNSPA) 


  • Predation by wild birds and animals is a big problem. 
  • Legislative instability, lack of unified approach and unjustified administrative barriers. 
  • Unclear legal regime of the land on which aquaculture farms are located. 
  • Lack of a general land register in Romania. 
  • Other external constraints include climate change, a perceived lack of innovation, and inefficient collaboration between farmers and science. 
  • Romanian offshore mariculture is conditional on the development of marine equipment to withstand the hydrometeorological conditions specific to the Black Sea. The main limiting factors identified are the lack of sheltered areas, storms and low winter temperatures, which may jeopardise production. 
  • Lack of labour force. 
  • Restrictions on the application of environmental regulations: May lead to a loss of fisheries and income and ultimately to their abandonment. 
  • Access limited to credit schemes dedicated to aquaculture production with lengthy procedures for their approval. 
  • Pathological status, epizootic diseases. 


  • The country’s land resources and availability of inland waters provide excellent conditions for fish farming. 
  • New species into aquaculture is proposed to take place in intensive, closed, recirculating farming systems that reduce the possibility of these species escaping into the natural environment. However, cyprinid farming in polyculture is the type of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture which, in terms of environmental objectives, has the advantage of preserving or improving water quality and contributing, through nutrient recycling, to the circular economy as a net provider of environmental services to society. 
  • There is a desire for regional development from a scientific and technological point of view in marine aquaculture. 
  • Increased accessibility to renewable energy technologies. 
  • Whether it is possible to provide feed requirements for cipriniculture from internal resources. 
  • Potential for tourism, recreational fishing and other activities complementary to aquaculture. 
  • Production of granulated feed in Romania. 
  • Availability of technology for implementing process digitalization. 
  • Financial instruments. 

Employment and number of enterprises (Source: EuroFish) 

504 enterprises and 2231 employees in 2018. 

MNSP to develop sustainable aquaculture

Published National Strategic Plan on Aquaculture: Multiannual national strategic plan for aquaculture 2022 – 2030 (in Romanian)

Summary in English of the "Published National Strategic Plan on Aquaculture": Multiannual National Strategic Plan for Aquaculture 2022-2030

Applicable Procedures

  • Aquaculture licence 
  • Register of aquaculture establishments 

National associations and networks

Contact Details

Name and surname: Alexandru Gheorghe 

Position held and name of the organisation: Counsellor – National Agency for Fisheries and Aquaculture 

Email address:  

Telephone number: 0374 466 140 


Summary in English of the "Published National Strategic Plan on Aquaculture" for Romania
(477.81 KB - PDF)