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Moving towards more sustainable aquaculture practices: a meta‐analysis on the potential of plant‐enriched diets to improve fish growth, immunity and disease resistance
Aquatic animal diseases are one of the major limiting factors in aquaculture development, with disease emergence forecast to increase with global change. However, in order to treat increasing diseases in a context of global emergence of antimicrobial...
Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions from global aquaculture
Global aquaculture makes an important contribution to food security directly (by increasing food availability and accessibility) and indirectly (as a driver of economic development). To enable sustainable expansion of aquaculture, we need to...
Food safety during seaweed cultivation at offshore wind farms: An exploratory study in the North Sea
Multi-use in ocean space, and seas, entails the co-location of different industries or technologies and their corresponding activities that take place at the same time in a specific location. This concept focuses on finding solutions to tackle global...
Scenarios for Global Aquaculture and Its Role in Human Nutrition
Global demand for freshwater and marine foods (i.e., seafood) is rising and an increasing proportion is farmed. Aquaculture encompasses a range of species and cultivation methods, resulting in diverse social, economic, nutritional, and environmental...
The Effects of Aquaculture and Marine Conservation on Cultural Ecosystem Services: An Integrated Hedonic – Eudaemonic Approach
Understanding the cultural contributions of ecosystems is essential for recognising how environmental policy impacts on human well-being. We developed an integrated cultural ecosystem services (CES) valuation approach involving non-monetary valuation...
Achieving sustainable aquaculture: Historical and current perspectives and future needs and challenges
Important operational changes that have gradually been assimilated and new approaches that are developing as part of the movement toward sustainable intensive aquaculture production systems are presented via historical, current, and future...
Regional Schemes for the Development of Marine Aquaculture (SRDAM) and Access to New Farming Sites on the French Mediterranean Coast
In France, the absence of further development of marine fish farming over the last 20 years has been attributed to regulatory constraints, and to the difficult access to new farming sites, due to high competition between different uses in the coastal...
Source, and effect of Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD) in Icelandic aquaculture
One very important factor for healthy and prospering fish farming is good knowledge about infectious diseases and the best way to handle those diseases. Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD) is caused by the Gram-positive bacterium Renibacterium...
Integrating climate change in ocean planning
The acceleration of global warming and increased vulnerability of marine social-ecological systems affect the benefits provided by the ocean. Spatial planning of marine areas is vital to balance multiple human demands and ensure a healthy ocean...
A comparison of environmental and economic sustainability across seafood and livestock product value chains
This paper uses an environmentally extended input-output model of the Irish economy to estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and economic output multipliers in 2010 for two aquatic (aquaculture products and sea fisheries) and five land-based...