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Научни публикации (283)
Exploring institutional arrangements for local fish product labelling in Tuscany (Italy): a convention theory perspective
Increasing fish consumption along with rising competition in the global seafood market has brought fisheries and aquaculture producers to adopt several differentiation and marketing strategies. Labelling schemes were thus introduced to respond to a...
Anti-sea lice agents in Norwegian aquaculture; surveillance, treatment trends and possible implications for food safety
Sea lice are a major challenge for Norwegian aquaculture, and to cope with sea lice infections, several physical, biological and chemical treatments are applied. This study presents data on the use of anti-sea lice agents for Norwegian farmed fish...
Efficiency data analysis in EU aquaculture production
This paper analyses the operational efficiency of fish farming across EU Member States using a two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach. In the first stage, a non-oriented Slacks-Based Measure of efficiency (SBM) DEA model is used to...
Remote Sensing-Driven Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Growth Modeling to Inform Offshore Aquaculture Site Selection
Aquaculture increasingly contributes to global seafood production, requiring new farm sites for continued growth. In France, oyster cultivation has conventionally taken place in the intertidal zone, where there is little or no further room for...
Site Suitability for Finfish Marine Aquaculture in the Central Mediterranean Sea
Farm site selection plays a critical role in determining the productivity, environmental impact, and interactions of aquaculture activities with ecosystem services. Satellite Remote Sensing (SRS) provide spatially extensive datasets at high temporal...
Probiotics in shellfish aquaculture
The shellfish aquaculture industry has dramatically developed during the last two decades. However, this development has, in some cases, resulted in environmental degradation, emergence of diseases and low productivity. The need for improving disease...
The Influence of Climatic-oceanographic Changes in Aquaculture. A Case Review Concerning Mussel Farming from Vistonikos Bay, Greece
Mussel farming in Vistonikos Bay, North Aegean, constitutes an activity of high socio-economic importance. The wide area consists of three basins rich in organic material, namely Porto Lagos Lagoon, Vistonicos Gulf and Vistonida lake. Oceanographic...
Inland aquaculture of carps in Poland: Between tradition and innovation
This paper examines how the traditional carp sector in Poland developed during the recent period, paying a particular attention to the different forms of innovations that have been implemented. Mostly based on first-hand, face-to-face interviews, the...
Can multi-use of the sea be safe? A framework for risk assessment of multi-use at sea
By 2050 the world population is expected to reach 10 billion people. This population needs food, water and energy. Increasingly, opportunities are sought out at sea to accommodate these needs. As there is already competition for space, especially in...
What does 'beyond compliance' look like for the Scottish salmon aquaculture industry?
Salmon farming has developed significantly since its inception in Scotland. It is now an established part of the rural communities in which it operates, is a key contributor to the Scottish and UK economies and has an important role in meeting the...