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Научни публикации (283)
Understanding the role of socioeconomic and governance conditions in country-level marine aquaculture production
Marine aquaculture (i.e. seafood farming in the ocean) has the potential to substantially support growing demand for animal protein. Despite vast amounts of suitable ocean space across the world, marine aquaculture development has been slow and...
Ecological Engineering for the Optimisation of the Land-Based Marine Aquaculture of Coastal Shellfish
Whilst the demand for nutritious and sustainable seafood is increasing, fishing yields are declining due to overfishing and climate change. The inshore aquaculture of marine molluscs-e.g., the suspension-feeding cockle for NW Europe-might be an...
Future Socio-Political Scenarios for Aquatic Resources in Europe : An Operationalized Framework for Aquaculture Projections
Climate-driven changes in aquatic environments have already started to affect the European aquaculture sector’s most commercially important finfish and shellfish species. In addition to changes in water quality and temperature that can directly...
Fish welfare in offshore salmon aquaculture
To accommodate further growth in the Atlantic salmon aquaculture industry, new production sites may well be established at more exposed locations along the coast or even offshore. Here, fish will encounter strong currents and powerful waves, which...
Social Acceptance of Aquaculture in Spain: An Instrument to Achieve Sustainability for Society
Aquaculture is a technique to produce food that is under debate, due to its possible consequences for altering the economy, traditional fishing included, or the environment, even with doubts about the health of consumers. This document studies its...
The Evolution Road of Seaweed Aquaculture: Cultivation Technologies and the Industry 4.0
Seaweeds (marine macroalgae) are autotrophic organisms capable of producing many compounds of interest. For a long time, seaweeds have been seen as a great nutritional resource, primarily in Asian countries, to later gain importance in Europe and...
Strategic considerations for establishing a large-scale seaweed industry based on fish feed application: a Norwegian case study
Soy protein concentrate (SPC) is a key ingredient in fish feed and most of it originates from Brazil. However, the Brazilian soy industry has reportedly resulted in significant environmental problems including deforestation. Consequently, new sources...
Preventing and mitigating farmed bivalve disease: a Northern Ireland case study
Shellfish production forms a large proportion of marine aquaculture production in Northern Ireland (NI). Diseases represent a serious threat to the maintenance and growth of shellfish cultivation with severe consequences to production output and...
The environmental impact of consumption of fisheries and aquaculture products in France
In the context of climate change, the diet is a key driver of environmental impacts. Previous research emphasized the environmental benefit to increase fisheries and aquaculture products (FAPs) consumption in European diets. However, increasing the...
The future of food from the sea
Global food demand is rising, and serious questions remain about whether supply can increase sustainably. Land-based expansion is possible but may exacerbate climate change and biodiversity loss and compromise the delivery of other ecosystem services...