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EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism

Advancing shellfish aquaculture as a sustainable food procurement option in emerging Black Sea riparian countries: Romania country report


Aquaculture offers great potential for providing sustainable sources of food, thus playing a key role towards achieving food security and nutrition, employment and economic development. Shellfish (mussel) aquaculture offers a great development opportunity or Black Sea riparian countries, however, significant focus should be put on zoo-sanitary conditions and public health.In some countries bordering the Black Sea, mussel culture is relatively well represented, having an obvious increasing development over the last two decades. However, given that mussel culture is little developed in Romania, the promotion of scientific, technical and technological bases for this activity is absolutely necessary. In the frame of the NIMRD - GFCM collaboration, in 2017 the Shellfish Aquaculture Demonstrative Center in Constanta (S-ADC) was established at NIMRD’s headquarters. The demonstration module for mussel production form the basis of training activities in the field of mitiliculture and covers all aspects of the production cycle: biology and ecology of Mytilus gallo provincialis; providing brood and collecting larvae from the natural environment; design and construction of the long-line system; mussel growth and handling technologies; mussel processing and purification technologies; production management systems (production costs, market analysis); training in methodological and practical aspects of the sanitary-veterinary classification of mollusks for domestic consumption/export


Original Author(s)
Niţă, Victor
Theodorou, John
Nicolaev, Simion
Nenciu, Magda-Ioana
Animal Health and Public Health, Diversification and Adding Value
Geographical Coverage
March, 2020