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Publicații științifice (283)
"Understanding consumers' perceptions of aquaculture and its products in Gran Canaria island: Does the influence of positive or negative wording matter?"
Many investigations have looked to understand consumers' perceptions of aquaculture and its products, with Likert scales being the most popular instrument employed. In some of them, negatively and positively worded survey items are mixed looking to...
Selected topics in sustainable aquaculture research: Current and future focus
This article addresses the main points of focus of Aquaculture over the last few decades. It points out that the rapid expansion of aquaculture has led to many concerns, such as the effects of water shortages, pollution, disease and the depletion of...
Country-specific food culture and scientific knowledge transfer events – Do they influence the purchasing behaviour of seafood products?
A positive perception of aquaculture products is essential to boost production by using more sustainable and eco-friendly solutions. However, consumer perception and resulting purchasing decisions remain poorly understood. In most European countries...
The role of digital technologies in supporting and improving fishery and aquaculture across the supply chain – Quo Vadis?
This article addresses how digital transformation can help support and meet expansion needs of the fisheries/aquaculture industries that includes exploiting and harnessing ICT, IoT, Cloud-edge computing, AI, machine learning, immersive technologies...
Macroalgae production in Northern Europe: Business and government perspectives on how to regulate a novel blue bioeconomy
Macroalgae biomass production, understood as cultivation and harvesting, is a minor industry in Europe at present, but the sector is recognized as having substantial growth potential. Here, we framed the environmental license as a boundary object...
Farm-scale models in fish aquaculture – An overview of methods and applications
Models are important tools to address sustainability challenges associated with developing aquaculture at farm, regional and global scales. Farm-scale models (FSMs), which are integrated mathematical models developed to simulate farm operations, can...
Collecting demographic data for the EU aquaculture sector: What can we learn?
The EU aquaculture industry is a politically prioritized industry as shown in the EU's Farm to Fork Strategy. The political objectives include biological, economic and social sustainability of the industry. However, while a lot of attention has been...
Freshwater Aquaculture Development in EU and Latin-America: Insight on Production Trends and Resource Endowments
This paper provides a comparative overview of decadal changes in aquaculture production in the European Union (EU-27) and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Contrary to other regions of the world, freshwater fish farming in these two territories...
Prospects of Low Trophic Marine Aquaculture Contributing to Food Security in a Net Zero-Carbon World
To limit compromising the integrity of the planet, a shift is needed towards food production with low environmental impacts and low carbon footprint. How to put such transformative change towards sustainable food production whilst ensuring food...
Aquaculture policy: designing licenses for environmental regulation
In this article, the authors investigate three different environmental regulations, all which aim to promote the development of more environmentally friendly production technologies to curb the negative environmental impacts of salmon aquaculture...